segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012


As notas de Química Biológica já saíram! Ao fim de 87 dias de espera...

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012


Graças a uma certa pessoa *cough*ana*cough* comecei a ver A:TLA desde o início.
I regret nothing ;D
 Firebending... Works for me! :D EDIT:  Ana, Ana... Parece que não há volta a dar xD

Your result for The Avatar: the Last Airbender Bending Test...

Fire Bender

45% Fire, 30% Earth, 10% Water and 30% Air!
You are a Fire Bender. Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. Chances are, you are the type of person that will not let anyone stand in their way. If you see something you want, you go after it, and usually get it.
Take The Avatar: the Last Airbender Bending Test at HelloQuizzy