domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012


No meio da enorme quantidade de informação mRNA, proto-oncogenes, vias de sinalização, cascatas de proteínas, análise de artigos que não me dizem nada de novo, loops e motifs, ligação de nucleótidos, tradução, código genético, do tempo perdido nisto em que podia estar a preparar-me para uma apresentação ou não e da falta de especificidade das perguntas, em geral, o que mais me chateia ainda é o facto de a timina não ter sido substituída por uracilo no mRNA...

What is a student supposed to do?

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

As I know that the blog is followed by people of different countries, I feel that this should be written in English - since it's known as the universal language.

In the light of some pretty recent events, brought to my attention this morning thanks to a friend, I can't help but be really disappointed and angered with people that I believed being better than they actually are...

I've always seen art as self-expression. A way for the artist, no matter of what kind, to express the world as he/she saw it. What and how he/she expressed it was totally unique for each artist. Since when did art stopped to meant this? Since when was mandatory for the artist to express another's world?

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon to come across fanart/cosplay bashing because of either white-washing or black-facing. Seriously, what is wrong with you people? Why is it so important that whoever is portraying a character doesn't have the exact colour as the character you think you're defending?
I've seen a lot of fanart with dark-skin characters accused of white-washing the character, then again I see other fanart of the same characters with lighter tone of skin but it's always "Wonderful" and "Amazing", many times because they're from a more famous person...
However, this doesn't mean that famous artists are safe from this hatred. No! Even when they post official art, that isn't enough to satisfy people. Even the choice of make-up chosen by cosplayers is a target to this hate... When lighter-skinned people think they should use a heavier make-up to cosplay a character with darker complexion, it's instantaneously black-facing, facing accusations of being offensive and racist! I'm pretty sure if they didn't used the hatred would still be there. Sometimes I wonder if they're not the racist ones...

In my opinion, each cosplayer picks the best that fits the character and don't choose a lighter or darker colour to offend. It's a matter of artistic choice... Let me re-phrase it: it's a matter of choice! You're free to disagree and express your opinion but you don't have to disrespect or threaten people in the process.
Now, when these haters choose to, after accusing a cosplayer that he was black-facing a character, say the same to a partner who has a natural dark skin, it's just... Awful. All of you, who claimed them to be insensitive, told a person that she was too dark! Do you feel happy and accomplished now? According to some comments, you do because "at least they'll stop?". Congratulations: they removed their art and even apologized to whomever felt offended. They were more graceful than it was expected of this situation... I'm not sure if I'd do the same, considering I felt like I haven't done anything wrong I should apologize for.

Writing things behind a PC screen is easier than facing people and tell things to their face - I get that, I do it all the time but I never used it to attack anyone personally (unless this classifies as an attack, then I probably did it sometimes while clearing my head of this) just because it doesn't bring any direct consequences. Whenever I see situations like this, not to mention when there are wishes for suicide involved, I can't help but to feel enraged.

What still surprised me this time, after reading about situations like this one so many times before, was that it came from people who, I thought, understood the meaning and importance of having an open mind, but all I got from it was that they completely disregarded the concept.
If they didn't agree with what was being done, all they had to do was expose their opinion instead of imposing it. What is done is done, and it can't be taken back...

My only wish was that people thought about the difference in forcing someone to accept your points of view, or voicing it. We're all human beings, and all different from one another... We can't forget that behind each screen there's always another human being. As anyone who wishes to be respected, we have to learn earning that respect.